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I write contemporary and western historical romances—always with strong-willed heroes and stronger-willed heroines.
I’ve been writing since I was in elementary school but love and life prevented me from professionally pursuing my passion until a few years ago. A devotee of Jane Austen and Anthony Trollope and all things nineteenth century (you should see my house), I became a romance novel fan after I wrote my first manuscript and was concerned that my passionate scenes might contain a bit too much passion, if you know what I mean. So, following the advice of a friend, I went and picked up a few romance novels from the bookstore and have been obsessed with the genre ever since. As for those passionate scenes, I had nothing to worry about.
I’m a Jersey girl with a western heart who was raised on a farm (yes, they have them in New Jersey) with horses, dogs, cats, chickens, rabbits and whatever other animals my sisters and I could convince our parents to shelter. Besides reading and writing romances, you can find me rummaging around antique stores, in the garden or on the tennis court when I'm not watching the rodeo. Married to my own urban cowboy, I’m also the proud mother of a teenage cowgirl.
An ardent western history buff and unabashed romantic, I am a founder of the fan page LOVE WESTERN ROMANCES, where lovers of western romance can learn about the latest releases in their favorite genre from authors like Linda Lael Miller, Leigh Greenwood, and Jodi Thomas among others.
Roam around for a romantic ride western style! |